Ministry Biography of

J. Guy and Linda Muse

Guy and Linda Muse

Guy and Linda Muse have served as missionaries to Ecuador for the past 35 years. Guy is the oldest of four children born to James C. and Pat Muse, Baptist pioneer missionaries to Ecuador from 1962-1995. Although born in Texas, Guy spent his childhood and youth in Ecuador with his parents and siblings. Also from Texas, Linda is the third daughter born to Paul and Martha Cowan of Denton, Texas. 

Guy studied at the University of North Texas earning a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in music and a minor in communications. Linda graduated from Texas Tech with a Bachelor of Science specializing in pre-school education. In 1980 they married and moved to Cali, Colombia to serve as volunteer missionaries with Comunicaciones Bautistas helping to produce Christian radio and television programs for the Americas. Many of these programs were later used in their media ministry in Ecuador.

After completing their time in Cali, they moved to Ft. Worth, Texas where Guy earned a Master of Music degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in May 1986. During the years spent in Ft. Worth, Guy and Linda served as ministers with Iglesia Bautista Central, Guy in the area of music and worship and Linda with children’s ministry. Guy also worked at the Radio and Television Commission of the SBC producing Spanish language radio programs that were broadcast weekly to more than 125 stations across the USA.

Guy and Linda were commissioned as missionaries to Ecuador on December 9, 1986 by the Foreign Mission Board (later known as IMB) of the S.B.C. and assigned to the city of Guayaquil by a request from the Ecuador Baptist Convention to help in their Mass Media Department.  Guy served as Director of this convention department for nearly ten years serving as a member of the executive committee of the EBC. 

After several years of fruitful ministry, the EBC decided to end the mass media efforts and close the department. From there the work shifted into what eventually became TELEAMIGO, an evangelistic and prayer ministry that utilized phone and personal counseling as the means to reach people with the Gospel. Teleamigo consisted of five PBX telephone lines and two cart machines that played pre-recorded 1-minute inspirational messages. Teleamigo operated for 20 years. During the peak years an average of 65,000 monthly contacts were made through the various levels of ministry. In all, more than three million contacts were made with the peoples of Ecuador.

Beginning in the year 2000, and extending through 2012, the focus of ministry was the training of lay people to plant house churches. This movement in Ecuador was known as “The Church In Your House” (La Iglesia En Tu Casa, or LIETC). During these dozen years more than 500+ churches were started with planters trained by our team in the Centro de Apoyo Para la Cosecha (CAPCO). This team effort extended to various sister denominations resulting in hundreds of people coming to Christ and churches planted with these baptized believers from all across Ecuador. The most utilized materials the team prepared were “C.O.S.E.C.H.A.” and “Capacitar Para Multiplicar” of which more than 35,000 copies were printed. Many individuals shared in the elaboration and training during these fruitful years of ministry.

Guy and Linda retired from the IMB in December of 2015 but felt led of the Lord to continue living in Ecuador and living out their missionary call.

In October 2018 they moved to the north coast of Ecuador to be closer to three of the most unreached/unengaged regions that remain in Ecuador. In May 2020, Guy earned a Masters of Biblical Counseling degree from Luther Rice College and Seminary. The Muses lived in El Matal (Jama) until June 2021 at which time they returned to the United States to continue their missions ministry through the 501c3 non-profit Mobilizing Anywhere2Everywhere 

Currently Guy and Linda have a two-fold missions focus to:

  1. Mobilize the Ecuadorian church to adopt and engage the 25 yet unreached regions of Ecuador, and

  2. Train, mentor, prepare, and mobilize God-called Ecuadorian missionaries as they are sent to the nations through the interdenominational missions sending agency Impacto Mundial (World Impact).

Their overall vision for the work is:

Every believer making disciples,

Every house a potential church, and

Every church fully engaged in the Great Commission.

Guy and Linda have two adult children as well as a grandson. Both children live in Texas near their parents.