The vision of MA2E is to…

Mobilize God’s people to engage lostness wherever found.

  • Mobilizing Anywhere2Everywhere, Inc. is a tax-exempt 501c3 nonprofit founded in Texas on November 12, 2021 by J. GUY and LINDA MUSE with the goal of mobilizing missions in Ecuador and from there to the nations beyond.

    Mobilizing Anywhere2Everywhere, Inc. supports missionary work in Ecuador and assists Latin American missions organizations in the sending out of missionaries to the nations. MA2E, Inc. grew out of a network of interested partners supporting the mission work of the founders who served 35 years as missionaries to Ecuador.

    Mobilizing Anywhere2Everywhere, Inc. seeks to build upon the missionary vision of the founders and their faithful partners.

  • We value:

    -Partnering in mission efforts.

    -Sharing the resources of God's people where they are most needed.

    -Working with existing partners to accomplish more than we could separately.

    -Seeing others do what Christ commanded in the Great Commission.

    -Facilitating the task of making Christ known to the nations any way we can.

    -Praying the Lord of the Harvest for laborers and then helping those he calls get to where they need to be.

  • -Provide through partner donations up to 20% yearly of the total mission support package needed in the sending of missionaries to where God is calling them to serve.

    -Partner with existing missionary sending organizations in Latin America to send out five units per year.

    -Facilitate the preparation of missionary candidates by providing a training center (El Refugio in El Matal) that adequately serves as a tool for missions mobilization.

    -Mobilize three USA churches per year to adopt unreached regions of Ecuador for a minimum of three years.

    -Provide needed training, guidance, and orientation for USA churches adopting unreached regions of Ecuador.

    -Connect national churches with USA churches/teams and facilitate their working together.

    -Create a website that will serve as a communications vehicle and means for supporters to give to the ministry.

    -Communicate monthly with prayer and support partners of ongoing work projects and results through timely newsletters, videos, and through the MA2E website.

  • Mobilizing Anywhere2Everywere, Inc. does not adhere to any single formal statement of faith due to the non-denominational character of the work and ministry working across a broad spectrum of denominational lines.

    However, in agreement with the vast majority of global missions agencies MA2E is comfortable embracing the Lausanne Covenant:

    “The Lausanne Covenant is widely regarded as one of the most significant documents in modern church history. Emerging from the First Lausanne Congress in 1974, with John Stott as its Chief Architect, it served as a great rallying call to the evangelical Church around the world. It defined what it means to be evangelical and challenged Christians to work together to make Jesus Christ known throughout the world. It is a covenant with one another, and a covenant with God himself.”


  • Guy and Linda Muse served as missionaries in Ecuador in a variety of roles for 35 years (1986-2021.)

    They understand their call as twofold: mobilizing the Church in Ecuador to finish the Great Commission task remaining in Ecuador and mobilizing to send God-called missionaries to the ends of the earth.

    Mobilizing Anywhere2Everywhere seeks to accelerate this calling as more disciples actively engage in the Great Commission.

    The Muses currently reside in Texas. They have two adult children who also live in Texas.

    For a more complete biographical sketch of their life and ministry please click here.

  • Gwen López considers serving A2E, missions mobilization, as an opportunity to continue the lifetime of Christian service she has had with churches, prisons, and overseas ministries. She grew up in a missionary home in Ecuador. She retired from the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.

    Her passion is to serve vulnerable people in crisis, helping them to grow and succeed. Her bilingual experience in social work and missions uniquely qualifies her to help mobilize churches and those called to missions to carry out the Great Commission.

    Gwen lives in the Texas Hill country. She enjoys cooking, reading and traveling.