Missionaries and ministries we currently support as funds are made available
(some names withheld for security’s sake)
001-Office staff of Impacto Mundial (Ecuador missions sending agency)
002-Maritza Anchundia: Ecuadorian missionary working on north coast of Ecuador
003-Ecuadorian single missionary serving in the Middle East
004-Andrés, Daniela and Nathan Medina-Cotrina: Church planters and multipliers in Ecuador and Latin America (evangelism, discipleship, church planting and CP training in Salinas, Loja, Macas and Esmeraldas.) "We form disciples who make disciples and plant healthy churches."
005-Fernando and Luisa: Ecuadorian missionary couple assigned to Thailand
006-Jean and Diana: missionary couple serving in Madagascar
007-Israel Rodríguez: working with local churches in Ecuador to reach/equip young people to be disciples who make disciples
008-John and Jissell: Missionaries to the African Ecuadorians in partnership with an IMB team-working in evangelism, discipleship, leadership development, and youth ministry
009-Patricio and Jessica: Ecuadorian missionary couple working in Bible translation ministries (Ecuador)
010-Children’s ministries in new church plants
011-Paola Proaño: Missionary to the Afro-Ecuadorians in partnership with an IMB team and a local pastor and his wife working in children's ministry,discipleship, and supporting the youth ministry.
012-Manuel Reyes: Church planting in Loja and El Oro Provinces of Ecuador
013-Relief and food baskets for the elderly and single mothers with children (Manabi)
014-Geovanny & Mariuxi Ruiz: church planting and leadership training in Guayaquil
015-Casa “El Refugio” Missions and Church Planting Center in El Matal, Ecuador (maintenance and repairs)
016-Various construction projects (as funds are available)
017-African church planting couple serving in Ghana
018-Indian home church pastors and leaders starting house churches in India.
019-Church planting in unreached provincial areas of Ecuador
020-Urgent medical needs
021-MA2E general expenses (bookkeeping, internet, contract labor)
022-Impacto Mundial vehicle and maintenance expenses (Guayaquil)